  • Rosh Chodesh SocietyA monthly series of classes for women by women. Learn More
  • Hebrew SchoolDanville Hebrew offers a safe, friendly and stimulating environment, where children can embrace their Jewish roots and gain a true sense of Jewish pride. Learn More
  • Bat Mitzvah ClubIf you're a Jewish girl aged 11-13, join us at the Bat Mitzvah Club. We're sharing fun crafts and deep conversation plus tips, trips and tricks that can make your Bat Mitzvah power last a lifetime.
  • JLIOffering courses from the Jewish Learning Institute on a range of topics. Join today! Don't think too hard
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Inspired by the Lubavitcher Rebbe- Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, Rabbi Shmuli and Mushky Raitman together with their children Mendel, Tzivia, Pinny, Asher, Zahava and Cherna have established a Chabad Jewish Center in Danville, CA. Their goal is to strengthen Jewish awareness and pride. Building strong and vibrant community for the Jewish residents of Danville/S. Ramon by creating an environment where every person, regardless of background or affiliation is welcome to explore and experience their heritage in a warm and non-judgmental environment.
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Weekly Magazine
From kings and High Priests to rabbis and communal leaders, here’s a curious look at the unique ways Jewish inaugurations have been marked throughout history.
One of the most iconic symbols in the story of the Exodus, used to unleash the plagues and split the sea.
Do you know when Shabbat begins and who the Patriarchs are?
How can I turn my lazy, self-centered youngster into a responsible and caring member of this household?
Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Danville, CA 94506
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Feb. 13
Learning & Inspiration
  • Maimonides: The Reluctant Doctor Who Changed MedicineThe anniversary of his passing is 20 Tevet. Read More
  • Take the Basics of Judaism QuizDo you know when Shabbat begins and who the Patriarchs are? Read More
  • Why We Need to SufferGreat revelation comes through great suffering. The greater the toil, the greater the accomplishment... Read More
Daily Thought
There are two types of miracles: Supernatural miracles and intranatural miracles. The water of the Nile turning into blood was entirely supernatural. The victory of the Maccabees over the Greek army came dressed as a natural occurrence—they had to fight to win. Both types of miracles are necessary. If we would see only miracles beyond nature, we would know that G‑d can do whatever He likes—but we might think He must break the rules to do so. We would know a G‑d who is beyond the natural world, but not within it. If we would see only miracles that are clothed within nature, we would know a G‑d that is Master of...